
Our lives are like the ocean. We only show our surfaces most of the time, whether they are calm, or even turbulent. Often times we don't bother to navigate the depths of our own ocean. Going deep means seeing something within ourselves that we may or may not like. It means opening up. It means becoming vulnerable.

I have been thinking about depth, potential, connections, and vulnerabilities. Then my mom and I talked this past weekend and it got me thinking even more. My deep introverted phase of healing these past two years has allowed me to explore my true self. I took a submarine down under the surface of my ocean and made amazing discoveries among the nooks and crannies of my spirit.  I saw all the shiny, pretty things along with the dark and murky aspects of my being. I am one who wears my heart on my sleeve. I am an open book. I love all of me. I was once told that my energy is wild and deep. I came to understand my wildness and openness. I came to celebrate me.

Some people will only explore with a snorkel and some with a bit more scuba gear. Then there are others that completely stay on land. It is not terrible to live on the surface of your ocean. It is just different than what I do. This is what makes connecting with people hard for me. I like going deep and not just peering down inside my self, but into others true selves. I analyze people. I see a being's true and brilliant potential shining through the surface of the water. 

Most people I meet don't like what I do or how I make them feel or think. I unnerve them. They do not want to be exposed and vulnerable. 

Now, here on this blog, I have only shown my surface and maybe a few feet in depth here and there. It is usually not who I am. A few weeks ago, I was gifted the truth of how I see connections and potentials. I was told that I have to wake up to my potential in using my sacred words. 

I realize that this is who I am and I do meet people who accept for all of me. They allow me to peer inside and see their potential. They sometimes even allow me to share what I have seen. 

It takes courage and strength to peer deep. There are revelations that our spirits can't handle at this time and maybe not in this life. We all walk different journeys. Each is unique and beautiful. You should be proud of who you are and what you know of your self right here and now. It is okay to be vulnerable and open your self, for there will be someone out there that is awed by who you are.

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