
Wind whips across the lawn and through the trees. Here I am cozy and warm surrounded by the glow from my Yule candle and twinkle lights. Here I am ushering in the light. There the clouds are parting. There is the morning star. Today, the air feels clearer.

Yesterday, I sat in the circle of community. We each held our intentions for bringing in the light. I was blessed with the gift of a flame that came from a cathedral in southern France. The energy of the flame holds true in the wick, even when it has been extinguished. An honor to be in the presence of these light bearers.

I sat enveloped in warmth as I let go. I cried my eyes out from the releasing. Slowly, I drifted off to sleep. 

Today, I sit with light, love, openness and possibility.

May the light of love surround you. 
May the light of love shine within you. 
May the light of love radiate out from you. 

So it is.

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