The field of sunflowers has followed me into my dreams and meditations. This particular sunflower called to me on Sunday. Each individual flower creating the whole of a perfect spiral.
Folllowing the sun, Helios, the helianthus conveys loyalty, happiness, warmth and strength. Also, I see steadiness, a sense of knowing one's place.
Meditating yesterday, I saw the sunflower stretching out toward the sun for light to create energy and sustenance. Are we not like the sunflower? Stretching our arms out to catch the light of the universe. The sunflower, a perfect symbol for Reiki. We channel the energy through our bodies like a stem and transfer that energy to others. This beneficial energy sustains them. In a way, Reiki is like photosynthesis. Plants are incredible beings that we have much to learn from.
Just a thought...I like it and it may need to be built upon :).
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